Current: Weather
Weather Conditions
Kananaskis Country, Canmore & surrounding area
Local Climate Overview
Kananaskis weather conditions range from abundant snow during the winter to warm summer days. Year round conditions depend on season, elevation, and the surrounding mountains.
July / August
The summer climate is pleasant with low humidity, warm temperatures and extended daylight hours stretching until 11:00 p.m.
September / October
Day light hours are diminishing and warm days with cooling evening winds are typical of autumn in the Canadian Rockies.
November / December / January / February / March
The first snow begins to fall sometime in November with most local ski resorts opening by the end of the month. During the month of December and January (sometimes February), we usually experience a brief two week cold snap with temperatures dropping into the low -30 degrees C. However the average temperature during the winter month is around -12 degrees C. Often, warming Chinook winds can bring spring-like conditions in winter, sometimes in a matter of hours.
April / May / June
Spring begins sometime in March or April but snow stays until mid-April. Alpine Skiing can still be enjoyed all the way to mid-May with days of excellent snow conditions (due to higher altitude and location of ski resorts). In the Bow Valley, rain and warming temperatures melt the snow away while the snow does not leave the mountain tops and passes until almost mid summer. May and June are the Canadian Rockies rainy periods with the occasional dump of snow in some years.
UV Index / Intensity of the Sun
Canmore, Banff and surrounding areas usually have a high UV rating due to altitude and angle of the sun. People tend to burn much faster than usual, therefore bring along sunscreen, a hat and a pair of sunglasses when you explore the Canadian Rockies.
Kananaskis Weather Forecast
Visit the following links for current conditions and weather forecasts, warnings, reports and information for Kananaskis Country.
Current conditions and forecasts including 7 day outlook, daily high/low temperature, warnings, chance of precipitation, pressure, humidity/wind chill (when applicable) historical data, normals, record values and sunrise/sunset times.
Find the most current and reliable 7 day weather forecasts, storm alerts, reports and information for Kananaskis, AB, CA with The Weather Network.
The information that we give on any activities is for informational purposes only and not intended to give specific advice. The writer and/or publisher of this website is not responsible for any accidents, injuries, rescues, inconvenience, or loss of life by anyone attempting any of the activities described on this website. It is the responsibility of the reader to use common sense and good judgment to safely enjoy any outdoor activities.
Activities in the backcountry can be dangerous and have many potential hazards. It is up to each individual to know their limits, abilities and level of expertise before attempting any outdoor activity.
Links to Trail Condition Reports, Trail Information and Facilities for Kananaskis Country, Canmore, Banff National Park and surrounding areas.